sábado, 22 de junio de 2013

Why Apple Should Buy Nvidia Now!

Apple Should buy Nvidia right now because Apple is still strong but is showing signs of weakness and  a move like buying Nvidia gives Apple control over Intel because its own graphic solutions are subpar compared to Nvidia or Ati. Ati is Amd and is direct compettion to Intel. 
If only macs will come with nvidia powered graphics thats gives Apple an strong advantage.

Buying Nvidia gives apple a lot of possiblities for example if they want to make a console or cloud gaming with Nvidia Grid powered. and that should make Apple a more important player for game developers and  buyers..

Could be a punch in the face for Android because Tegra will only be Apple´s exclusive or make Apple and important aAndroid player.

Nvidia in near future should develop Cpu-GPUs x86.

Microsoft platforms with no nvidia for games that hurts.

It could be an "Epic Move" that could change everything.

PD. Sorry for my english.

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